Rules for publishing tasks

All tasks and advertising platforms created by you must be checked by your personal manager before they can be launched. Please read the rules and recommendations for creating a platform carefully. If you have any additional questions during the registration process, you can always contact your personal manager in person. Compliance with the rules of registration of sites is mandatory.

Rules for completing tasks

1. Tasks with the following resources and topics are not allowed:
  • phishing sites and sites with redirects to other sites, including redirects to the source site;
  • containing pornography or erotic materials, any sexual communities, sex shops and dating boards;
  • containing obscene and profanity, as well as signs of cruelty and violence, racism, nationalism, and immoral behavior;
  • political and religious resources (except for general news sites);
  • resources with elements of witchcraft, magic, spiritualism, occultism;
  • resources advertising drugs, alcohol, tobacco, vaping, smoking mixtures and intoxicating substances, as well as means, devices for their use and consumption;
  • resources with obvious deception;
  • sites that take an unreasonably long time to load due to poor hosting or an abundance of hidden partners;
  • tasks, in the report of which it is necessary to provide any personal passwords, secret words, credit card numbers and other confidential data. If you need to provide a phone number, ask for only the last three digits. It is allowed to request a full name, email address, e-wallet number, login;
  • tasks, the purpose of which is to clearly sabotage someone;
  • tasks with the requirement to publish any fake reviews, both in a ready-made scenario and in a free form;
  • tasks that require you to give a predetermined rating in a poll;
  • tasks that require you to dislike a resource: a post, video, poll, etc;
  • tasks with the requirement to leave feedback on the "wall" of the user SEOSPRINT;
  • tasks with the requirement to make false requests for loans, false orders for goods, etc., except for testing the resource, when the task designer is the owner of the advertised resource;
  • tasks that require the sale / purchase/transfer of any accounts;
  • resources that violate international law.


2. You can not abuse the design of the task in CAPITAL LETTERS, bold font, the same type of signs like"!!!!!!"or emoticons, emojis, pseudo-graphic elements, etc., as well as put the URL of the advertised resource in the title.

3. The task must describe in detail all the necessary actions of the performer from beginning to end. It is not allowed to post conditions somewhere else (via Skype, email, social networks, or in personal correspondence). After completing the conditions in the task, the performer must be sure that they will receive payment.

4. In the description of the assignment with the need to register or to visit any resources, the names of all these resources must be indicated. This will save the time of the artists and the budget of the advertisers.

5. The time allotted for the task should be consistent with the ability of the average performer to complete it.

6. The task category must correspond to the largest semantic part of the task or indicate the first mandatory step in the task. If none of the categories does not characterize fully the essence of the job, you must select a category "Other".

7. If the implementer has to spend money to complete the task, for example, if registration via paid SMS messages is required, this should be clearly indicated at the very beginning of the task.

8. Payment for the task must be made only through the mechanism of the task itself. Contractual payment or payment bypassing the project is prohibited.

9. The condition for completing the task can not be associated with "randomness", for example, getting a win in a casino, bookmaker, competition, or receiving payments from highly profitable investment programs (HYIPs, pyramids, matrices, etc.)


10. If the task involves the need to download and/or install any software, then downloading and installation is allowed only from the official sites of the AppStore, PlayMarket, from the official sites of software developers, as well as from the resources of software developers verified by the SEOSPRINT administration.


11. Only one resource (subject of interest) can be advertised in one assignment. In exceptional cases, if it is necessary to perform a sequence of interdependent actions, it is allowed to indicate in one task no more than 3 resources (items of interest). For example: Make several clicks on the resource + subscribe to the resource's social network + leave a review in the resource's social network.


12. If the performer is expected to provide one or more screenshots in the report (by means of SEOSPRINT or by providing a link to the screenshot on external photo hosting sites), it is necessary to include the corresponding parameter in the job description. The screenshot requirement is an option that can be paid for additionally.


13. The retention period for approved and rejected reports from performers is 1 year. Please take this into account when planning long-term assignments.